Field P DMOS transistors
Parameter | Meaning |
Function | уцауцацуацуа |
Cв, пФ | 3 |
Cд, пФ | 3 |
fгр, МГц | 33 |
h тока | 3 |
H1xV1xT1 | 3 |
h21е | 3 |
H2xV2 | 33 |
H3xV3 | 3 |
Functions: 12H/24H | 4 |
Vb, b2 max, V | 4 |
VCB max, V | 4 |
Vcc | 4 |
VCE max, V | 4 |
Application, features | MOSFET Low-power Vtn= 0,8-2,0V Ubr=50-240V Pmax=1,0 Watt High-power Vtn= 2,0-4,0V Ubr=60-100V Pmax=150 Watt |
Process Description | Number of masks, pcs. 7-9 Min design rule,µm 3.0 Substrate: Si/B-doped/ p-type/Res 0,005 Epi layer: thickness (15-34) µm Resistivity (2÷21) Ohm/cm Gate oxide (42,5÷80) nm Interlayer dielectric medium temp. PSG Passivation: low temp. PSG |
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