Design of electronic Components

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The capabilities and services of the Scientific and Technical Center

The main activity of the Scientific and Technical Center (STC) is the development of microcircuits and semiconductor devices, technological manufacturing routes, the production of ECB in small batches on the production lines of JSC Integral, the provision of development services to third-party companies when working on a fabless model, including packaging, measurements, testing and tooling manufacturing, consulting services in the field of microelectronics.

The Scientific and Technical Center specializes in the development of the following product classes:

- chips of standard logic series

- static, non-volatile memory chips - once programmable and reprogrammable

- interface chips of RS, LVDS, CAN, Manchester code standards

- power management chips, voltage stabilizers and regulators, DC/DC converters, power monitors

- operational amplifiers, reference voltage sources

- quartz oscillators, time-lapse and clock chips

- discrete semiconductor devices

- optoelectronics products (photodiodes, silicon photomultipliers, IR sensors)

- development of equipment for measurements and tests, development of debugging tools and electronic equipment products (modules) for peripheral control systems of automotive electronics.

Based on the technical specifications or specifications of customers, as well as the specified analogues, the NTC develops electrical circuits, topology, provides the manufacture of photomasks, the manufacture of plates, their measurement, crystal casing and finishing measurements and tests of devices. This ensures the provision of services to our Customers and partners with an optimal ratio in terms of price, deadlines and high quality of work.

We perform the following types of services:

· development and manufacture of analog, digital and analog-digital integrated circuits

· topology development and verification;

· production of photomasks

· development of digital blocks with the possibility of their subsequent implementation on FPGAs;

· development and manufacture of discrete semiconductor devices

· reverse engineering;

· development of hybrid chips;

· assembly of integrated circuits, assembly of hybrid chips,

· measurement and certification of integrated circuit parameters.

Currently, the NTC employs more than 150 highly qualified specialists, including those with more than 20 years of development experience. The Center consists of the following departments:

· Department of development of digital and analog chips;

· Department of development of discrete semiconductor devices and technological processes;

· Hardware and Software Department;

· experimental and measuring center;

· center of electronic technology. 

The developed products can be supplied in the form of prototypes with the provision of measurement and test results, as well as mastered in serial production by JSC INTEGRAL and supplied as marketable products with the passage of a full cycle of certification tests and a full set of technical documentation.


For consultations:

JSC INTEGRAL also offers the manufacture of ICS and semiconductor devices based on the Customer's design (delivery based on the results of functional control), semiconductor manufacturing services - performing individual technological operations or blocks of operations (metal spraying, film deposition, growing epitaxial layers, thinning the back of the plate, etc.), manufacturing of initial silicon substrates according to specifications Customer, assembly and measurement of devices in plastic and metal-ceramic cases.